Corporate Governance


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Corporate Governance

Wij zijn volledig gecommiteerd aan onze taak om de investeerders te dienen, waarbij zowel de onafhankelijke beslissingen op fondsniveau als de synergiën met FMO centraal daaraan ten dienst staan. 

Om veilig te stellen dat FMO Investment Management haar zorgtaak voor investeerders goed kan uitvoeren, zijn ons beleid en procedures ontworpen om effectief en efficiënt te zijn alsook om bij te dragen aan transparantie.

In vrijwel alle gevallen zijn beleid en procedures opgesteld in samenhang met of gebaseerd op beleid en procedures van ons moederbedrijf FMO. Zo komen onze gedeelde waarden en bedrijfsprincipes tot uiting. Zo heeft FMO bijvoorbeeld investeringsbeleid opgesteld met volledige inachtname van milieu, sociaal en bestuurlijke aspecten waarbij de impact van deze ten volle worden meegewogen alvorens een investeringsbeslissing te maken. Daar de fondsen waar wij voor adviseren uitsluitend samen met of via FMO kunnen investeren, voldoen alle investeringen van deze fondsen aan de hoge standaarden van FMO.      

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  • Investment firm under MiFID license

    MifID is the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2004/39/EC). This directive governs the provision of investment services in financial instruments by banks and investment firms and the operation of traditional stock exchanges and alternative trading venues. Its aim is to harmonize legislation across European countries, increase competition and protect consumers of investment services. MiFID has for example requirements relating to the information that needs to be captured when accepting client orders, ensuring that a firm is acting in a client's best interests and as to how orders from different clients may be aggregated. More information can be found on the website of the European Commission or via the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets “AFM ”

    Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets

    European Commission

  • Transparancy

    We believe that transparency is essential for truly understanding any organization. For a development finance institution like FMO, providing transparency is an integral part of its public function. For FMO Investment Management it makes it easier to explain how FMO operates.

    To following documents are availabe for your convenience:

    • Remuneration Statement EN

    Speak Up policy
    FMO Investment Management is committed to uphold integrity and ethical behavior by encouraging (temporary) employees to (anonymously) report on e.g. fraud, corruption or other illegal activities in the event such activities would occur. FMO Investment Management refers to the policy adopted by FMO. FMO website

  • Organizational structure

    FMO Investment Management is an independent organization with its own license, policies, people and management board.

    As a wholly owned subsidiary of FMO, the Dutch development bank, certain strategic decisions are subject to shareholder approval. Our Articles of Association stipulate those approval rights.

    • Articles of Association NL | EN

    Meet the team

  • Disclosure of investments

    FMO has adopted a disclosure policy outlining the scope and type of information that it makes available to the public. This policy does not provide any contractual or other rights to any party. FMO publishes a list of all its investments since 2013 on its website.

    This list not only shares the name and location of the client, it explains why each investment is made and how much FMO invests for its own account. 

    FMO Investment Management is as a subsidiary of FMO subject to the information published by FMO.

    FMO worldmap

    FMO disclosure policy